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Photo London Marathon

"Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing."

Vince Lombardi

Psalm 91

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty Psalm 91:1

The Psalmist recognizes that life is full of challenges but at the same time sees that God “alone has the power to see us through and to make sense of the complexities of life” (John Grayson).

The challenges that the writer of the Psalm faces include the poacher’s trap (v3), the pandemic (3,6), the predator (4), the heat of the battle (5), dangerous paths (11-12) and wild animals (13). Not all of those are specifically relevant to us but we can easily think of dangers we face that were unheard of for people in the days of the Psalmist.

What about the “pestilence that stalks in the darkness…the plague that destroys at midday”? You could easily think the Psalmist is writing about Covid19!

The key is verse 4, with its statement: “his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart”. Faithfulness is one of God’s characteristics. The same yesterday, today and forever. Ever loving, ever caring.

Bad things do happen to good people but God is there to make sense of it – not necessarily immediately.

All of us have been affected by Covid19 whether at the level of inconvenience or having our livelihood taken away or by the premature death of a friend or relative.

Take a moment to thank God for his faithfulness and to pray for his protection for yourself and others.

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