"Lord, I don't ask that I should win, but please, please don't let me finish behind Akabusi."
Making the gospel attractiveTeach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them, and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Saviour attractive. Titus 2:9-10
These verses are about ":walking the walk" as well as "talking the talk". I found the idea of making the gospel attractive by the way we live a real challenge. In the immediate context, Paul was writing to slaves but the principle applies just as well to us in the World of Sport.
Does the way we act at practice, in relation to teammates and competitors, coaches and officials make the gospel more attractive to them or less attractive? People who know we are Christians are watching how we react to things. Do we talk about people behind their back? Are we quick to blame others? Do we moan and complain about things? Or does our attitude to reflect the character of Jesus in us?
I once went of tour with a team of semi-pro footballers (soccer) with one ex premier league player in the team. After the first game the everyone threw their match shirts on the floor. Then the ex-premier league player picked up the sweaty shirts and put them in the laundry bag. I am sure he never had to do that in the Premier League! But his humble, servant-hearted attitude must have impressed the non-Christians in the team.
What can you do today to make the gospel more attractive to those you meet?